We revisited our Meet the Team series and caught up with BSW Group Marketing Coordinator, Charlotte, to see what a typical day entails, how she got into the role and discussed her love of snowboarding and nature!


Full name:
Charlotte Waller


Job title:
Group Marketing Coordinator

How long have you worked at BSW?
I started at BSW in March 2021,  so three and a half years.

How would you explain your job to people outside of the company?
I work on all our different business areas, pulling together and optimising our group branding presence, passing on the message to all of our stakeholders on how we as a group help to build sustainable worlds.

How did you get into your role?
I studied business management with marketing at university which highlighted my passion for marketing. During my studies I worked in hospitality management, encouraging customer service, marketing and sales growth. From there, I worked in marketing for a 4* country house in Donegal, Ireland and expanded my marketing knowledge within the tourism industry. I found myself back home in Cumbria during the pandemic and entered my current role at BSW.

Walk us through a typical day at work:
Every day really is different in this role. Today for example, I started my day catching up on emails, and working on a couple of PR pieces for BSW Group. I then finalised some artwork for the Forest Market Report 2024, made some amends to the ads we’re designing for Maelor Forest Nurseries and then attended a meeting on our SEO strategy, and now I’m filling this in!

If you could invent anything, what would it be?
I’d invent a clone so I could be in two places at once and live both lives simultaneously, there’s so much I want to do in both work and life so a clone would be really useful.

What do you enjoy most about your job?
The variety of things that you work on and skills you acquire. I get the chance to be creative and see my strategies come to life.

What’s your favourite Movie?
Ready player one, because it is set in a dystopian universe and I think that’s pretty cool.

Who’s your favourite superhero and why?
Deadpool, he’s really funny and brings a personality to the genre.

What else do you do outside of work?
I love being outside and being in the Lake District, I love high octane activities like bouldering and snowboarding but also love to spend time in nature walking and paddleboarding as well as cooking and hosting dinner parties for my friends and family.

What are your plans for the future?

I’m pretty happy with where I’m at in life, I have a gorgeous family and live in the countryside, where the silage is potent. My plans are to continue to grow, learn and do some cool stuff along the way.

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