Full name:
Chloe Jones.
30 years young.
Job title:
Independent Customer Service Coordinator.
How long have you worked at BSW?
I’ve been at our Carlisle site for three and a half years but previously I worked at our Dalbeattie Sawmill for five years before making the move.
How would you explain your job to people outside of the company?
I’m in the Customer Service Centre so we ensure that all our customers receive the best service possible whenever they get in touch with the company – we’re constantly in touch with our customers, building relationships and getting to know their needs better. Basically, we aim to be as friendly, knowledgeable and committed face of the company to our customers.
How did you get into your role?
I used to work as a Sales Coordinator at Howie Forest Products in Dalbeattie, which was acquired by the BSW Group back in 2010. During my time there I had the opportunity to build a great rapport with my colleagues at the Carlisle office and after a brief spell trying something new, I realised my passion for timber sales, and I made the move to our Carlisle site.
Walk us through a typical day at work:
Our main aim for the day is to work with our customers to make sure they have everything they need and are getting the best experience. There’s no real set day in the CSC but generally I’ll begin the day by contacting customers to make offers, check for requirements or simply to make sure they are being fully supported. All the while keeping on top of incoming enquiries, processing sales orders and undertaking any projects we have underway. There’s never really a dull moment in the sales office at BSW – it’s a fantastic lively atmosphere where everyone’s working together to give their best for the customers.
What’s the coolest thing you’ve worked on at BSW?
Back in 2017 I was assigned to work on the new K3 project. K3 is a Large Section Sawmill line built inside our Fort William Mill. I had to understand the mill’s capabilities and support my colleagues in the CSC with quotes for the Large Section material it was outputting. Having only previously worked with the standard home-grown cross sections it was eye opening for me to see just how large a UK mill can produce timber sections.
If you could invent anything, what would it be?
Bar a button for world peace, it would have to be a teleportation machine obviously, it would make my life super simple.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
Talking, anyone that has met me before will know I’m a talker. I think this is where my love of sales began, the chance to speak to people all day, getting to know them and to hear other people’s stories while developing fantastic working relationships with my customers is just perfect for me.
What’s your favourite Movie?
It’s got to be Star Trak – “Live long and prosper!”
Who’s your favourite superhero and why?
Iron Man, I’d rope him in to help me build my teleportation machine.
What else do you do outside of work?
I’m fortunate enough to live in an area in which provides the most beautiful walks. I love getting my walking gear on and exploring the outdoors. Oh, and being a social butterfly of course, I love nothing more than keeping in touch with my friends and family.
What are your plans for the future?
I want to keep learning and eventually know everything about the timber industry. I’d like to be seen as a role model amongst my colleagues and to help out those starting their journey in timber sales.

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