Our first priority as a business is the health and wellbeing of our staff, and all of those who can work at home are doing so.
The government has specifically advised that factories can remain open if they are an integral part of an essential supply chain.
As one of the UK’s largest suppliers to the pallet industry it is imperative that BSW continue to support pallet manufacturers with the materials they need – in order to aid the distribution of food, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and other essential goods throughout the country during this time of crisis.
As a result, we have now suspended primary production across all of our sites. We will instead be focussing solely on providing a balance of products to help aid the essential pallet and packaging industry, which is facing an unprecedented demand. This decision has been reached with advice from the Timber Packaging and Pallet Confederation (TIMCON).
In addition, many of the co-products from our timber processing are used to supply renewable energy and animal bedding industries.
Wherever we have staff working on our sites, we are adopting government guidelines on social distancing and hygiene practices.
We are continuing to monitor the situation in conjunction with the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) and the Scottish and UK Governments.

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