Full name:
Niall Spence
I’m 29 years old.
Job title:
Marketing Executive
How long have you worked at BSW?
Just over a year – I’m based at our Carlisle site and I started working at BSW in December 2018, on my first day I attended one of our largest national trade shows, so I was properly thrown in at the deep end.
How would you explain your job to people outside of the company?
I work in our marketing department – so it’s my job to get the message about all of BSW’s fantastic new products, promotions, offers etc out to all our customers. Whether that’s by creating posters and flyers or running social media campaigns for example.
How did you get into your role?
I studied journalism at university and worked as an editor for a local magazine for a short while before moving into public relations, promoting hotels and tourist attractions in the Lake District.  I then spent a season abroad with the Ford World Rally Team helping the marketing team and assisting with the events and decided that marketing was my forte.
Walk us through a typical day at work:
I’ll normally start the day by responding to any enquiries we’ve had through the website, which are anything but typical, this could be anything from someone wanting to set up an account with us to someone asking to weigh their horse on the weighbridge. I’ll then start working on some ongoing projects – we always have something in the pipeline whether that’s launching a new product range or preparing for one of our national trade shows. At some point in the day I’ll prepare some posts for our social media accounts, this can vary from advertising our products to letting people know of any exciting news here at BSW. I might finish off the day with the packing and posting of our sample requests as well as calling or heading out to see our customers to help them with any marketing requests they may have.
If you could invent anything, what would it be?
Aside from a vaccine for COVID, maybe something that helps people live forever (deep) or solar powered planes – I think they’d be a pretty good solution to help the environment.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
I really like that it allows me to get creative and that I can get to see concepts right through to fruition what can start as a brainstormed idea one afternoon finally turns into some physical you can see in the yards of one of our stockists and that’s quite satisfying really.
What’s your favourite Movie?
I’ve got a thing about watching movies that are over an hour and a half long, I haven’t got the patience for it – that being said I either like films that are real head spinners, like Shutter Island or easy to watch Comedies are my go to.
Who’s your favourite superhero and why?
Maybe Spiderman I guess – but I can’t really be doing with superheroes to be honest – what about Sergio Aguero can I pick him?
What else do you do outside of work?
I try and get to the gym most nights, weekends I like to spend travelling if I can, getting out and exploring the lakes or various cities and I’ve also started playing American Football for Carlisle as well – so training for next season is keeping me busy.
What are your plans for the future?
The old, where do you see yourself in five years’ time? I’m not sure really, I just think as long as I’m constantly moving forward, learning and improving myself I’m happy.

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